Thursday, October 20, 2016

Calstumi Announcements 10/19/16

Image result for youth group announcements

1.) Saturday Oct. 22.  Bellefontaine Cinema 8 is offering a free viewing of the movie, "I'm Not Ashamed" to teens ages 13-18.  The viewing begins at 10am.

2.) Wednesday Oct. 26- Fall Festival with Calstumi Kids.  SALT and LIGHT will be helping run games for the Calstumi Kids Fall Festival.

3.) Wednesday Nov. 2- Unite will be gathering in the youth building at Calvary to hear speaker Ric Garland talk on the issues of suicide and depression.  Begins at 7pm and will end at 8:30.

Friday, October 14, 2016

CalStuMi Announcments 10-12-16

See What's Going On At CalStuMi

1. Registration for the Union Station trail ride fundraiser ends Saturday 10/15/16.  Info can be found at:

2. Wednesday Oct. 26, SALT and LIGHT will be helping CalStuMi Kids with the Fall Festival.

3. Wednesday Nov. 2, Ric Garland will be speaking to Unite on the subjects of Suicide and Depression.  Meeting will be at Calvary beginning at 7pm in the Youth Building.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Studying The Bible

Even as Christians, it's hard to know where to start when trying to study and read the Bible! Here are some tips and steps on how I study God's AMAZING Word!
Step 1 - 🚦Getting Started
To start out on your Bible studying journey, you need a Bible! I have three: an ESV Bible, a NIV Bible, and a NLT girls life application Bible! Once you have your Bible choose a time of the day that works best for your schedule! Remember God is the focal point of the day so if you need to cut out something like tv in the morning, do it! You won't regret it! Once you have your time, make sure you stay diligent with it, make it a habit!

Step 2 - 📚Choose a Book of the Bible
There are 66 amazing books in the Bible, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding one. If you're not sure where to start feel free to start at the beginning with Genesis or the New Testament with Matthew. You could even read the Bible backwards start at Revelation and go back! If that doesn't sound good, open your Bible to a random spot and start at that book!

Step 3 - 🙏🏽Begin With Prayer
To start this studying journey out right, pray to God first thing! Ask Him to open your heart to feel His presence, your eyes to see His Words, your ears to hear His voice, and your mind to understand His truth!

Step 4 - 🗓Set Your Study Pace
If you choose a larger book like Genesis, split it up to maybe two chapters each day! If you enjoy reading read more!

Step 5 - 🔍Zoom In
Once you've read it, zoom in. Read it again breaking up each verse. What do you think that verse means? How can you apply it to your life? How was God working in that chapter? Did anything stick out to you? Write it down!!

Step 6 - 📝Choose Your Tools
Get a journal, some highlighters, pens, pencils, now write your responses to the chapters you just zoomed in on. Feel free to be as creative or plain as you'd like! But remember use this time to study, think about and process what you just read don't get lost in the doodles!

Step 7 - 🙏🏼End in prayer
After writing your responses down in your journal, pray and ask God to guide you! Pray for forgiveness, patience, and anything God put on your heart! Thank God for His forgiveness, gentleness and mercy! Also, use this time to meditate on His Word! Listen to what God is telling you!

Step 8 - 🕊Be a Doer of the Word
Now that you know how to study God's AMAZING Word, Be sure to put His Word to practice in your life.
Jesus said in Luke 11:28, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice."
If God speaks to you personally or through life application you find in the text, be sure to apply those to your day-to-day life and praise Him while your at it!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Give God the Glory, Glory!

Sure, it's almost midnight. Sure, I should get to bed, but I had an "epiphany" if you want to call it that, tonight. As I was writing a letter to a friend I realized how selfish I can be at times. I don't do things to bring God glory! I do them because it's what I want to do. Something that I'll be working on is doing ALL things to bring glory to God. If it ain't glorifying my Father, I surely ain't gonna do it! 😜 but let's be serious, we get caught up in life, not the now life, but the future life. We wonder what we're going to do when we're older, college, career, am I going to get married and have children, or will I be called to singleness? We get so caught up in the future that we forget to slow down, relax and give God the glory! He's got a plan for our live's and in the mean time, live in the now, thank God for your blessings, ask God for help through the burdens, and do all things to bring glory and Honor to our Father! After all it should be what our hearts long to do! That should be our purpose in life!

Rise and shine and give God the Glory, Glory!!
Or shall I say, Good night, sleep tight, and give God the glory, glory!

Romans 11:36
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

There's nothing worth more that will ever come close, No thing can compare, You're our living hope, Your presence, Lord. I've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves. Where my heart becomes free and my shame is undone
Your presence, Lord
Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord. Let us become more aware of Your presence. Let us experience the glory of Your goodness.
[Holy Spirit- Bryan & Katie Torwalt] 🌄

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

My Chains Are Gone!

My chains are GONE!
My debt is PAID!
My life is WHOLE!
All Because of that very special thing Christ did on that crooked cross I like to call the mercy tree.

My chains are gone, because He broke them!

My debt is paid, because He loves me.

My life is Whole, because He is the giver of life!

On a hill called Calvary
There stands an endless mercy tree
Every broken weary soul
Find your rest and be made whole

Stripes of blood that stain its frame
Shed to wash away our shame
From the scars, pure love released
Salvation by the mercy tree

In the sky between two thieves
Hung the blameless prince of peace
Bruised and battered, scarred and scorned
Sacred head pierced by our thorns “It is finished,” was His cry
The perfect Lamb was crucified
His sacrifice, our victory
Our Savior chose the mercy tree!

Death Has died and Love has won!
Jesus Christ has overcome!
I wanted to share this because it's an example of of the victory we have through Christ! This "poem" has a piece of the song Mercy tree in it, by Anthony Evans!

We aren't defined by our sins after we accept Christ, we are made new! Our chains have been broken and our sin has been paid for! Stop living like you're just a sinner and start living like you are Child of God!

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Defining yourself by sin, is only going to make you stumble more!
Yes we are still sinners but no, that is not our definition anymore! We are saved through the blood Christ shed for us on that tree a few thousand years ago!

Romans 5:7-9
For one will scarcely die for a righteous person though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.

Accept the forgiveness you asked God for and the forgiveness He graciously gave you! Accept it, live it, and cherish it! You are a child of the most High!

1 John 3:1
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Calstumi Announcements 5-18-16

1.)Service Opportunity- We will be doing yard work at Sue Rarey's house (4700 Urbana Woodstock Road, Cable) after church on Sunday May 22, around 2pm ish until dark. We will be cleaning flower beds, burning and raking sticks, cleaning around the pond. Bring a rake and work gloves. Wear long pants because there may poison ivy. We will have dinner and a bonfire after we're done for anyone who comes! Thank you!!!

2.)The Unite Fellowship will once again be meeting up on Wednesday May 25 at Hillcrest Baptist Church.  We will meet at Calvary at 6:30 and head to Hillcrest at 6:45.  The night will end at 8:30 and we will plan to be back at Calvary at 9pm.

3.)June 1- VBS Work Night- During the evening worship time, we will be helping to set up decor and such for VBS which takes place the following week.

4.)June 8- Senior Recognition Night at Calstumi!

5.)We will be heading to Kings Island for the Spirit Song Fest on Friday June 24.  We will be leaving from the church at 6:30am and returning very late that night.  The cost is $45/person.  More details and signup are available through Hannah or Donny.

Image result for Spirit song fest 2016 friday lineup

6.)Rock the Lake is happening on August 6 on Old Field Beach at Indian Lake State Park.  We have been asked if we would like to volunteer again this year.  We will be working on both Friday the 5th and Saturday the 6th with Sunday tear down as a possibility.  If you would like to volunteer, contact Donny for more details.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


1.)The Unite Fellowship will once again be meeting up on Wednesday May 25 at Hillcrest Baptist Church.  We will meet at Calvary at 6:30 and head to Hillcrest at 6:45.  The night will end at 8:30 and we will plan to be back at Calvary at 9pm.

2.)We will be heading to Kings Island for the Spirit Song Fest on Friday June 24.  We will be leaving from the church at 6:30am and returning very late that night.  The cost is $45/person.  More details and signup are available through Hannah or Donny.

Image result for Spirit song fest 2016 friday lineup

3.)Rock the Lake is happening on August 6 on Old Field Beach at Indian Lake State Park.  We have been asked if we would like to volunteer again this year.  We will be working on both Friday the 5th and Saturday the 6th with Sunday tear down as a possibility.  If you would like to volunteer, contact Donny for more details.