Even as Christians, it's hard to know where to start when trying to study and read the Bible! Here are some tips and steps on how I study God's AMAZING Word!
Step 1 - 🚦Getting Started
To start out on your Bible studying journey, you need a Bible! I have three: an ESV Bible, a NIV Bible, and a NLT girls life application Bible! Once you have your Bible choose a time of the day that works best for your schedule! Remember God is the focal point of the day so if you need to cut out something like tv in the morning, do it! You won't regret it! Once you have your time, make sure you stay diligent with it, make it a habit!
Step 2 - 📚Choose a Book of the Bible
There are 66 amazing books in the Bible, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding one. If you're not sure where to start feel free to start at the beginning with Genesis or the New Testament with Matthew. You could even read the Bible backwards start at Revelation and go back! If that doesn't sound good, open your Bible to a random spot and start at that book!
Step 3 - 🙏🏽Begin With Prayer
To start this studying journey out right, pray to God first thing! Ask Him to open your heart to feel His presence, your eyes to see His Words, your ears to hear His voice, and your mind to understand His truth!
Step 4 - 🗓Set Your Study Pace
If you choose a larger book like Genesis, split it up to maybe two chapters each day! If you enjoy reading read more!
Step 5 - 🔍Zoom In
Once you've read it, zoom in. Read it again breaking up each verse. What do you think that verse means? How can you apply it to your life? How was God working in that chapter? Did anything stick out to you? Write it down!!
Step 6 - 📝Choose Your Tools
Get a journal, some highlighters, pens, pencils, now write your responses to the chapters you just zoomed in on. Feel free to be as creative or plain as you'd like! But remember use this time to study, think about and process what you just read don't get lost in the doodles!
Step 7 - 🙏🏼End in prayer
After writing your responses down in your journal, pray and ask God to guide you! Pray for forgiveness, patience, and anything God put on your heart! Thank God for His forgiveness, gentleness and mercy! Also, use this time to meditate on His Word! Listen to what God is telling you!
Step 8 - 🕊Be a Doer of the Word
Now that you know how to study God's AMAZING Word, Be sure to put His Word to practice in your life.
Jesus said in Luke 11:28, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice."
If God speaks to you personally or through life application you find in the text, be sure to apply those to your day-to-day life and praise Him while your at it!
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