Thursday, October 20, 2016

Calstumi Announcements 10/19/16

Image result for youth group announcements

1.) Saturday Oct. 22.  Bellefontaine Cinema 8 is offering a free viewing of the movie, "I'm Not Ashamed" to teens ages 13-18.  The viewing begins at 10am.

2.) Wednesday Oct. 26- Fall Festival with Calstumi Kids.  SALT and LIGHT will be helping run games for the Calstumi Kids Fall Festival.

3.) Wednesday Nov. 2- Unite will be gathering in the youth building at Calvary to hear speaker Ric Garland talk on the issues of suicide and depression.  Begins at 7pm and will end at 8:30.

Friday, October 14, 2016

CalStuMi Announcments 10-12-16

See What's Going On At CalStuMi

1. Registration for the Union Station trail ride fundraiser ends Saturday 10/15/16.  Info can be found at:

2. Wednesday Oct. 26, SALT and LIGHT will be helping CalStuMi Kids with the Fall Festival.

3. Wednesday Nov. 2, Ric Garland will be speaking to Unite on the subjects of Suicide and Depression.  Meeting will be at Calvary beginning at 7pm in the Youth Building.